<스위치> 'Switch' Movie Review


  Some movies never get old. This is true especially in family movies. The concept is always so similar, love and trust. But the fact that they never get old is perhaps what makes them dear.

  Like the name indicates, <Switch> is about a top star Kang whose life changes one Christmas night. He suddenly switches into a poor actor with his own family of four. He reunites with his his ex-girlfriend Soo-hyeon, whom he had secretly missed, as husband and wife. Kang is frustrated at first, but as time passes, his affection for his two children and Soo-hyeon grows, and he understands for the first time about family and love.

  Like I said, the story is a common one. Nevertheless, it has some special points of it's own. Park So-i and Kim Jun, the two most loved child actors in Korea, star in this film, and they are an absolute sensation. It's equally exciting to watch the chemistry between Kwon Sang-woo and Lee Min-jung. The bond this family shows may seem common, yet it is extremely precious. After all, family is always true.

Review: Something trite is what we need.


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