<자산어보> 'The Book of Fish' Movie Review


  <The Book of Fish> remains in my memory as a flawless film. I still cannot forget the feeling as I walked out of the theater; something vibrated inside my whole body, making me feel warm, like I've just drunk a nice cup of hot chocolate. Surprisingly, this movie is not well known to the public, as it was released during COVID-19. It's a shame, and now is the perfect time for me to contribute to making this movie a sensation.

  The movie's setting is the Joseon Dynasty. It's based on a true story, and the main character is Jeong Yak-jeon. He is a renowned scholar, but is exiled to Heuk-san Island due to religious differences. There, he meets Chang-dae, a young fisherman who stands out by his vast knowledge of fish. Yak-jeon begins teaching Chang-dae how to write, and in return learns everything about fish life and writes about it. They slowly become good friends as well as each other's precious mentor.

  <The Book of Fish> was the first movie that made me realize the importance of a great producer. This masterpiece was produced by the renowned producer, Lee Jun-ik. Thanks to him, each and every scene has a unique beauty in it. Especially THE scene. You'll immediately know it when you see it. Because those few seconds will definitely make your heart skip a beat. 

Review: The moment that I will cherish forever.


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