<생일> 'Birthday' Movie Review


  Later this month, a new Netflix movie is going to be released. The movie, <Kill Bok Soon>, stars Jeon Do-yeon and Seol Kyung-gu. But it's not the first time they are in the same movie. They also worked together before four years ago in a movie titled <Birthday>, which is what I'm going to introduce to you today.

  This movie is based on the famous Sewol Ferry sinking accident that occurred in 2014. This tragic accident cost the lives of many people, including high school students who were on a school field trip together. Jeon Do-yeon and Seol Kyung-gu appear as parents of a high school boy whose life was lost in the ferry accident. The family becomes torn apart by the tragic incident, and the movie tells carefully about the life of those who are left behind, how they barely manage to live day after day. 

  Jeon Do-yeon and Seol Kyung-gu showed amazing chemistry in <Birthday>. Their despair accumulates as their deceased son's birthday gets closer, which is depicted very well by the two actors. And soon, on March 31, another movie starring them is released, and I can't wait to watch their fantastic chemistry again:)

P.S. I briefly wrote about this about two months ago, that a new tv show starring Jeon Do-yeon is going to be aired. Yes, it did, and I saw the entire show on live, and it was totally awesome! Plus, a lot of people liked it too, so the drama became famous nationwide. I'm glad the show gained lots of support and love!

Review: Heartbreaking and a must see, praying a recurrence to be prevented...


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