<콘크리트 유토피아> 'Concrete Utopia' Movie Review


 This was the best they could do. It was obvious that the film makers did their best. The plot, the characters, the ending, and most of all the amazing acting of each actors, all seemed like the best choice. There was definitely no room for improvement.

 Because of an earthquake, the world turns into ruins instantly. But only Hwang Gung Apartment survives the earthquake. Then it becomes a matter of endless choices in order for the residents to survive this crisis.

 Lee Byung-hun... His acting absolutely deserved a good standing ovation. He absolutely nailed it. His acting was like, WOW. Everything about him was totally unbelievable and incredible. His character seemed completely abnormal and frightening as he should be.. And of course, Park Bo-young, Park Seo-jun, and Kim Sun-young were equally awesome as well.

 The movie was absolutely frightening. It depicted the ugly side of reality directly. Thanks to this, the movie was concretely a dystopia. With little room for utopia.

 Without a doubt, this is a concrete well-made blockbuster. But unfortunately, it wasn't to my taste... Cause I prefer movies that give me little to think about. For this one, I was urged to think and feel, mainly depressing stuff. Since I waited for two years(yeah, two years!) for the movie release, I was a bit disappointed. Still, I'm pretty sure lots of people will enjoy it, and I really hope lots of people go to the movies and watch this precious masterpiece.

Review: A concrete dystopia.


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