<용감한 시민> 'Brave Citizen' Movie Review

  These days, bright and energetic K-movies are said to attract the audiences' attention. Perhaps it's due to recent ugly events regarding crime in society. The audience require movies that can refresh their mood. Due to this current trend, some brilliant masterpieces haven't been getting as much attention as they deserve, while some bright but not-so-brilliant movies have been successful. So many times I felt disappointed and betrayed after watching those numerically "successful" movies. 

  But Brave Citizen, another bright and energetic movie, was totally awesome. There was this good feeling about it even before watching the movie and to my relief, my hunch was right. Not only did it give off a hopeful vibe, it properly functioned it's role as a movie; creating a thrilling world where our real-life problems can be solved at once. Brave Citizen killed two birds with one stone; it was both comical and meaningful.

  School bullying has been a hot issue these days. There have also been many TV shows and movies dealing with school bullying, but they were mostly depressing, with not so pleasant endings. Since the world inside movies is a fictional one, it might have been better if the endings were dramatically cheerful. Maybe it's because I know this situation is unlikely to happen in real life, making me crave for it more. But finally, Brave Citizen made my wish come true:)

  Si-Min(also a Korean word meaning 'citizen') is a part-time teacher hoping to become a real teacher. She goes to a high school where she meets a crazy student Soo-Kang who comes from a powerful family. Nobody, even the teachers and local police, can stop Soo-Kang's violent school bullying, since he always gets away with it and turns the life of anyone standing in his way into hell. Si-Min tries to ignore his wrongdoing but fails because of her high sense of justice. She is actually a promising former boxer, so she decides to punish Soo-Kang secretly by beating him up while covering her identity by wearing a cat faced mask. 

  The best part about the movie was the concept of a teacher "fighting" a bully student in a boxing ring. The movie's fictional setting makes this nonsense possible. Perhaps this might be the only satisfactory way of punishing a school bully. Because in reality, victims of school violence can never be free from their painful memories. Who knows? Only when the perpetrator is beaten to a pulp might they feel better. But there is no way to find out. Since this act is also considered a crime, it is impossible in real life. Especially a teacher beating a student; totally outrageous. Outrageous, but desirable...

Review: What a movie should act as.


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