<경성크리처 시즌1> 'Gyeongseong Creature- Season 1' Drama Review

  It's another new year, 2024! Starting from this year, I'm planning to additionally introduce Korean dramas to you guys:) Hope you enjoy the change!

  From 1910 to 1945, 36 years... All those years, Korea(a.k.a. Joseon) was under Japanese rule. The Japanese reign was a total nightmare to Joseon people. They ruled over the people in numerous ways, using violence and brainwashing with no mercy. The Japanese also conducted biological experiments on Joseon people, such as the army unit 'Unit 731'. Japanese soldiers, scientists, doctors, and public officials took part in these inhumane experiments. These are all true stories, an evident part of history.

  Gyeongseong Creature begins with biological experiments conducted by the Japanese. Of course the drama is fictional, but the fact that it's based on history is obvious. In the show, a Joseon woman is turned into a monster by Japanese experiment. The officials try their best to keep the monster hidden in the underground chambers of Ongseong Hospital. When a small group of Joseon people sense something strange going on in the hospital, they set out to figure out what's going on there. 

  The show depicts Japanese reign in detail. The ugly sides during that time such as torturing innocent people are shown. Don't be too discouraged, for scenes of Joseon people standing up against the Japanese can also be seen. The spring of 1945, the setting of Gyeongseong Creature, is the darkest of times, but there is still hope to be seen. Everything seems to worsen, but it's dark before dawn; a few months later in August 15, 1945, Joseon finally gains independence. 

  The romance between actors Park Seo-Jun and Han So-Hee is also something to look forward to:) Han So-Hee's amazing acting and her amazing looks are especially impressive. A second season is said to be revealed soon, this one based on current times. I'm definitely going to watch the second season, too! You can watch the show on Netflix.

Review: Desperate times call for desperate measures, and love.


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