
<마이네임> 해석

최무진은 늘 배신당하는 쪽이었다 . 그래서 배신자들의 심리가 궁금했다 . 그의 수하들은 그를 괴물이라 불렀다 . 본인도 스스로를 괴물이라 여겼다 . 괴물답게 배신자들을 모조리 처단해왔다 . 그게 당연했으니까 . 그러나 윤동훈 때는 달랐다 . 그동안 자신을 배신한 수많은 사람들을 아무리 죽이고 고문하고 상처 주고 난도질할 땐 아무렇지 않았던 마음이 윤동훈이 죽자 흔들렸다 . 각별히 믿고 사랑한 형이었다 . 그런 형을 죽이자 흔들렸다 . 항상 하던 대로 죽였을 뿐인데 . 그의 마지막 순간을 느껴보고 싶었다 . 자신도 배신하는 쪽이 되어보고 싶었다 . 그리고 배신감에 눈멀어 죽일 듯이 달려드는 , 본인의 모습을 목도하며 그들의 죽음을 느껴보고 싶었다 . 특히 윤동훈 , 그를 느끼고 싶었다 . 그래서 처음부터 작정하고 자신의 정체를 숨긴 채 윤지우에게 접근하였다 . 처음부터 그녀를 속였다 . 윤동훈이 자신에게 했던 것처럼 . 그렇게 하면서 윤동훈을 추억했다 . 끊임없이 그를 그리며 원대하고 치밀한 계획을 시작했다 . 윤지우가 최무진 자신처럼 되도록 키웠다 . 괴물처럼 강하고 잔인한 살인자가 될 수 있도록 . 모든 게 계획대로 잘 되어갔고 , 결국 윤지우는 자신이 배신당했다는 사실을 깨닫고 최무진을 죽이려 한다 . 근데 방해물이 나타났다 . 전필도 . 그래서 전필도를 죽여버렸다 . 안 그러면 7 년간의 계획이 물거품이 되는 거니까 . 나에게 와라 , 윤지우 . 흔들리지 말고 끝까지 처절하게 괴물이 되어라 . 그 결과 윤지우는 최무진의 곁으로 돌아가는데 . 둘의 최종 결투가 시작된다 . 최무진의 마음은 들떠 있다 . 윤지우 너는 동훈이보다 나를 닮았다며 , 나같은 괴물이 되라고 소리친다 . 그러나 기대와 달리 윤지우는 너무 약했다 . 최무진은 여유롭게 모든 공격을 막아내며 월등한 실력을 뽐낸다 . 지우는 무자비하게 짓밟힌다 . 최무진은 실망한다 . 이것밖에 못하냐며 다그친다 . 그러나 결국 최무진이 패배한다 . 결정적인 순간 지우의 총에는 총알이 없었고 , 최무진은 그녀

<세작: 매혹된 자들> 'Captivating the King' Drama Review

  Finally, the best TV show of 2024 so far. And I'm 100% positive that it would be among the Top 3 dramas of 2024. Picturesque and beautiful, bright and sorrowful, the show gained popularity by its soft romance and the actors' great performance. It's definitely a must-see drama of the year!   Hee-Soo and prince Lee-In meet by chance while playing baduk. Romance sparks between the two even though Hee-Soo is disguised as a man. But when the king is murdered, Lee-In must take over the throne and remove opposing forces as the new king. And in the process, Hee-Soo is unfairly accused as traitor by Lee-In himself. Three years later, Hee-Soo appears in front of Lee-In as Gi-dae-ryeong, a government official playing baduk with the king. Hee-Soo seeks revenge, but her love for Lee-In keeps growing bigger and bigger unlike her intention.   The entire story is well-made. Most importantly, the love-hate romance of Lee-In and Hee-Soo is so adorable and addictive. The drama is so much mo

<블랙의 신부> 'Remarriage & Desires' Drama Review

  With absolutely no expectations for the show, I soon became immersed with the story. In a way, the plot was obvious but as much as it felt common, it had its own excitement. Portraying greed and ambition cruelly, Remarriage & Desires served its role well as a well-made revenge show.   He-Seung's life turns into nightmare when she learns of her husband's affair. But when her husband suddenly commits suicide, she gets to know that he was merely a bait, deceived by the other woman. He-Seung decides to ruin the woman's future by interrupting the woman's marriage.    Although this Netflix show is not well known, I was quite entertained by the audacity of it. A few points seemed illogical, but otherwise the overall plot was interesting and intriguing. A satisfactory encounter. Review : Audacious and cunning.

<파묘> 'Exhuma' Movie Review

  The movie most popular now in the cinemas, Exhuma has dominated Korea's box office. Koreans' love for occult movies has stimulated its success. The chemistry between actors Kim Go-Eun and Lee Do-Yeon is liked by many. The shamans are differentiated; young, rich, and trendy, they wear stylish outfits and work out at the gym. And as an occult mystery thriller, many twists and turns evoke extreme excitement.    Once you finish watching Exhuma , it will be fun to search for further hidden meanings that you hadn't noticed while watching; such as our proud identity. The spirit to fight back against any wrongdoings can be seen throughout history. In the past, we've never really been a strong country. But now it's obvious that when you don't give up, sunny days do come:) Review : Korean occult's dazzling comeback.

<살인자ㅇ난감> 'A Killer Paradox' Drama Review

  Choi Woo-Sik and Son Suk-Ku, currently the two hottest male actors in Korea lead A Killer Paradox . The original webtoon was already famous, and with the sensational casting, the show naturally gained attention from the start.    Lee Tang is a hopeless college student who is good at nothing. One rainy night, he accidentally murders a man. But then, he learns from the news that the man he murdered is actually a serial killer. Later on, he realizes that his urge to kill is only activated by mean guys. And each time he murders someone, his trace is miraculously erased, leaving no evidence at all.    The show was generally amazing. The setting and directing were fantastic. The main character's breakthrough was totally awesome. The show is 8 episodes total, and episodes 1 to 4, and the final episode were just so fun and thrilling. However... episodes 5 to 7, the middle ones, required patience. Those episodes were mismatching, a complete fiasco. This was a big disappointment, but since

Actress Han Hyo Joo 한효주, HBD! 🎁

  Not sure exactly when I started falling for Han Hyo-Joo. Now it seems that I was always aware of her even before I realized it myself. And a definite turning point was Moving . She is the most prolific actor I've ever seen, and her delicate acting always inspires me. Since today(2.22) is Hyo's birthday, I'm going to introduce three movies and three shows that represent her. In fact, it was super hard to select only three pieces each! Among her many many masterpieces(due to her annual, frequent comebacks), these are the final choices I made. In them, Hyo-Joo shines magnificently. Of course, she always does, but anyways:) -- Movie -- 1. <감시자들> 'Cold Eyes' (2013)   Character Ha Yoon-Joo has a special ability to remember everything she sees. Her sensitive emotions are slowly gathered then exploded at once. Among thrilling action scenes Hyo's outstanding emotion control stands out, earning her big-scaled awards. 2. <반창꼬> 'Love 911' (2012)   Firs